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Is the .io Domain Heading for Extinction? What You Need to Know

The winds of change are blowing, and with them, a perfect storm brews for the favored child of tech innovators and dreamers alike—the .io domain. With so many technology startups and cybersecurity platforms anchoring their online identities to this sleek, two-letter domain, one question now hangs in the air: Will the .io domain fade away, taking with it websites and hard-earned traffic?

Everyone is watching closely, wondering what the future holds for their beloved domain extension. The time for action is now, as these forces of change are tied to geopolitical tides, territorial transfers, and a historic shift in ownership of the Chagos Islands.
Is this the last chapter for the .io web domain?

What Happened and Why?

While Chagos Islands have long been under British rule in this sun-drenched archipelago, that changed in 2022 when the United Nations voted to recognize Mauritius’ claim to the territory, transferring control of the islands from the UK to Mauritius. The ramification of such a transfer goes way beyond maps and borders but reaches deep into the digital infrastructure that involves the .io domain.

You see, .io is not just a hip tech domain; it is a country-code top-level domain, meaning it is officially assigned to a country. But what country is .io domain?
In this case, the code corresponds to the British Indian Ocean Territory, or BIOT—an area once controlled by the UK but about to fall under the full sovereignty of Mauritius. And that could change how the ISO 3166 standard—one that prescribes country codes—classifies the .io domain.

By removing .io from the ISO 3166 standard, websites built on this domain might get left scrambling to retain their SEO ranking, backlinks, and online presence. This would push domain .io into extinction, sending ripples across the internet and dislocating scores of digital initiatives that bank on its base.

Who Uses .io Domains?

The domain .io has won the hearts of startups, tech giants, and innovators in niches alike. Its brevity, neutrality, and digital sound make it a choice for forward-thinking companies across a range of industries.
But what does the future hold for the businesses that have interwoven their brand stories into .io?

Examples from Different Industries:

  1. Tech Startups: For example,, the leading headless CMS solution provider, uses .io to reflect innovation and agility. Its domain name shows its full commitment to developers and open-source contributors.
  2. Cybersecurity Platforms: In the high-stakes world of cybersecurity, has cut a niche for itself as the Ethereum blockchain explorer of choice. The .io TLD gives it a ring of trust and authority in a decentralized digital landscape.
  3. Gaming shows that it can all come alive in 3D, and the .io domain name really means something to those people who enjoy interaction with their entertainment, where tech meets play.
  4. Fintech Companies: companies like, one of the most renowned digital banking and financial services, which continue to use the domain .io for its premium and innovative meaning. In the case of Revolut, but also for any other fintech giant, .io does speak to their forward-looking ethos, recreating the very same values as those of their digital-native audience.

These industries have found a home in the .io domain, however, as these platforms scale, some companies, such as Webflow, migrate to the .com domain in advance.



Also some stats from Ahrefs:



Why Is It Important to Monitor This?

If you are an owner of a .io domain, this news means something more than news for you. They are some sign showing potential change, which might impact your website and SEO profoundly. The shifting territorial control could possibly mean the removal of the .io top-level domain, to which, in case it happens, you need to transition your online presence to a new domain.

The transition comes with a great risk:
Impact on Organic Traffic: The rank can decrease simply because search engines re-evaluate the authority of your site when domains are switched.
Links and Authority Lost: Most of the time, switching domains causes a loss in backlinks, and those backlinks take away authority and trust of the site in Google’s eye.
Redirection Issues: SEO migration, if done properly, first requires cautious planning with regard to redirect setup and updates of backlinks that need to be done to keep the flow of traffic.
By monitoring them in time, the owners of .io domains can be one step in front of the alteration, reducing any potential disruptions.

How Could This Impact SEO and Organic Traffic?

A domain extinction for .io domain would give way to a chain reaction of multiple influences concerning SEO. The ranking would fall because the search engines needed time to recalculate their algorithm behind the new domain; meanwhile, users would receive broken links, which meant a loss in organic traffic.

It’s time to think about website SEO migration.
But how to do it and minimize the harm of transition?
The following are key steps that are recommended the minimization the effects of SEO migration:
301 Redirects: Allow 301 redirects to serve users with ease from the previous .io domain into the new domain by ensuring the transition is adhered to by search engines.
Update Backlinks: Update backlinks across the digital ecosystem to reflect the new domain and preserve site authority.
Internal Link Audits: Perform a full internal link audit to ensure all site paths point to your updated domain.

These precautions can facilitate a smooth transition with as little SEO fallout as possible.

What Should .io Domain Owners Do?

The uncertainty surrounding the .io domain demands that a note of caution be taken.
What .io TLD owners should do includes:

  1. No Freaking Out: While changes may be forthcoming, there is no need to quite ring the alarm bells just yet. Be informed; be prepared.
  2. Monitor Developments: Ponder the benefits of migrating onto a new domain, should that become necessary.
  3. Prepare a Backup Plan: A plan for a possible domain change should be started, as well as making sure the tools are available to protect your SEO and traffic.

If the transfer of the Chagos Islands results in changes to the .io domain, businesses need to be ready to act swiftly.

Is it a Time for Action?

The time to act is now for the owners of .io domains. Don’t wait until it’s too late.
Run a complete website audit and identify key areas that might be impacted by the possible change of their domain. Prepare your SEO strategy. If you’re stuck and don’t know how to proceed with the migration of SEO or how to consult on a domain transition, consult a professional.
If you feel stuck and don’t know where to start, you can always ask for help from an experienced B2B digital marketing agency or just a simple digital inbound marketing agency if your focused more on B2C.

Final Thoughts

As an owner of .io domain, a sense of uncertainty with this news is understandable.
Nothing is definite, still, and you can hear a lot of opinions about it.
According to experts like Computerworld, the possible geopolitical fallout may serve as a wake-up call for businesses to rethink their strategy of reliance on ccTLDs, which seem to be aligned with political landscapes.
Meanwhile, voices from DomainNameWire reassure us that, while the change may be looming, the .io domain isn’t going anywhere anytime soon; it’s still really popular in tech circles and currently works, at least.

But yet other opinions, like that of The Register, counterbalance the optimism: a status quo change—most definitely related to territorial disputes like the Chagos Islands—could imply very far-reaching consequences for companies that built a brand on the .io extension.
The future is anything but guaranteed, so it reminds us of that one vital truth of the digital age: adaptability is key.

Whether the .io domain weathered this geopolitical storm remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: to be able to adapt, prepare, and have resilience is literally the survival bedrock.

Be prepared. Stay knowledgeable. And no matter what winds take the .io domain, your business will stand firm in knowledge, moored by action.