keywords in search results in 1 month
Impressions in 1 month
total clicks
Traffic began to reduce after migration in November 2023
The project is a promotional product company. A client reached out to us — a large online store selling promotional products for businesses. The main issue was a complete loss of traffic after migrating to a new domain.
SEO migration services took place around November 2023 (see the chart above).
Initially, the migration seemed successful: traffic on the old site began to decline, while traffic on the new site started to grow. However, after a few months of growth, the traffic began to drop until it eventually fell to zero.
At the beginning, the new website got more and more traffic, but after some time, it started to fall down
The pages on the new site either were not ranked for relevant keywords or occupied positions no better than in the TOP-90.
After a full technical analysis of the website, we discovered many problems, the main ones being:
Our team faced during the ecommerce migration case study as well.
Our primary efforts focused on fixing technical errors first. Together with the client’s developers, we managed to resolve most of the issues that hindered normal indexing and crawling of the site.
Additionally, we started working on On-Page optimization:
Furthermore, we actively worked on a link-building strategy, obtaining at least 10 quality backlinks from various donor sites each month.
Interestingly, another source of traffic for this site became Reddit. The client actively used this forum to promote their brand, which even helped us secure a few orders.
We actively worked to improve the website’s backlink profile
It’s worth noting that since the site is quite large— the client has over 5,000 products, not counting pagination pages, faceted URLs, etc.— the work on optimizing the site and fixing errors took quite a while; it took us about 7 months for the site to appear again in the search results.
After the December Core Update 2024, we saw that our efforts were not in vain— the number of pages in search results and the site’s rankings began to rise sharply. As of January 2025, in less than a month, we have gained +2620 keywords in search results and +113,423 impressions.
The screenshot above shows the number of keywords the website got within less than a month
Results from GSC for about 20 days
Netrocket has successfully resolved issues and implemented strategic optimizations to smooth this migration and recover the organic traffic after Google’s update.
This case clearly illustrates that any significant changes to a website’s operation without the control of an SEO specialist for ecommerce or any other industry is a game of roulette. If you lose it, you risk losing all your traffic, and recovering it will require substantial resources. That’s why we do not recommend managing the migration on your own.
For this client, we are continuing to develop the site, optimize traffic-generating pages, and plan to further optimize faceted URLs and product pages.
Check out our real-life Case Studies, that demonstrating the solid results we’ve achieved for our clients.