SEO for SaaS Project: Best Practices in SEO for the Finance Industry


organic traffic in 5 months


targeted keywords in Google's top 3


total clicks

Traffic growth since the launch of the project has increased from 400 visitors per month to 2200 (Ahrefs service)


About the Project

  • Industry: Finance.
  • CMS: Strapi
  • Target Region: USA

The project is an extensive cash flow forecasting tool designed for growth-oriented companies. It emphasizes the importance of effective cash planning and management, offering features such as forecasting, budget versus actual performance comparison, cash flow forecasts, scenario planning, VAT/GST forecasting, and customer intelligence analysis. With seamless integration and leading accounting software, the platform provides a user-friendly approach, proactive functionality, and the ability to effortlessly generate actionable cash flow information. So, decent SEO for the finance industry is essential for making the product more visible in search engines.


The Challenge

The client contacted us in May 2023 with the goal of increasing traffic and, accordingly, conversions on the site.

Facing challenges such as limited visibility, stagnant growth, and uncertainty about SEO strategies for the finance industry, it has its own features as a highly competitive area.
No wonder, because every industry must adopt a different approach.

That’s why we conducted a site audit, analyzed competitors, and then created a promotion strategy that included On-page and Off-page promotions. Our team knows how important it is to conquer higher rankings, and organic SEO specialists can help your business gain a driven edge in this market.


Execution / Optimization Process

*note: for CMS Strapi SEO optimizations might vary.

During the audit, some problems were identified on the site:

  • 301 redirects on the site
  • problems with content uniqueness
  • non-SEO friendly URL links
  • incorrect robots.txt file
  • unindexed URLs in the Google Search console
  • and server response time

After a certain period, these problems were solved.

Keyword optimization

After analyzing each page, we collected keywords for this project and clustered them by page.

After this analysis, we created eight additional pages for certain key queries, which later gave the results to our client. SEO for the finance industry is not for the faint of heart, but we know exactly what to do!

Based on the collected keywords, we optimized meta tags and created content plans for additional optimization of commercial pages.

Following that, we optimized meta tags and created content plans to improve more than 30 commercial pages.

Based on the collected keywords, we wrote content plans for blog pages.

Thanks to the correct blog page structure and linking, the traffic received on these pages was redirected to commercial pages, which ultimately received conversions.

External promotion

A strategy was created for the project, which required publishing guest posts and placing links in business listings.

With the right strategy and attitude – your efforts will be paid off. This client achieved great results, and it’s not the full list of SEO consultants services our company can provide to make your business better.


The Results


According to the graph, you can see the increase in traffic starting from June.

graphs of case results

We can also see the increase in keywords according to data from Ahrefs.

graphs of case results

Google Search Console

According to Google Search Console data, we increased the number of clicks from 50 to 100 per day, and impressions increased from 5,000 to 10,000 per day.

graphs of case results

Google Analytics

We also see that the increase in organic traffic is, on average, 100%.

graphs of case results


We also show changes in the positions of keywords using the SEranking service:

graphs of case results
graphs of case results

Summary / Conclusion Takeaways

Netrocket has successfully resolved issues, implemented strategic optimizations, and achieved amazing results in terms of increased organic traffic, higher keyword rankings, and improved overall online visibility for this client.

That’s how a SaaS SEO company can help your business too, and this project showcases it.

Our team knows “ins and outs” of the most popular CMS platforms, plugins for improvement, incompatibility issues, and much more – whether you are running your website on WordPress or Strapi SEO is always what matters.

These are conclusions, and we can share some bits of advice with you:

  1. Don’t neglect the technical SEO audits: timely detection of technical issues on the website will help to make the user experience for your customers better, can bring higher rankings, and prevent the possible penalties from Google for non-unique content;
  2. Keyword research is the king: after collecting the correct selection of keywords for your business, you can build the whole content strategy for improved visibility and conversion rate as a result. Don’t underestimate the blog articles with redirecting links to the service pages. This project itself received the conversions this way;
  3. Metrics, metrics, metrics: after receiving the results, don’t forget to track the key metrics regularly. By always keeping an eye on organic traffic, keyword positions, and off-page SEO metrics – you’ll always be able to check the progress and be aware of the improvements that must be made (if necessary).

Our team always tailors the approach to the specific needs of a project.

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B2B Local SEO is Netrocket’s top priority area, key expertise proved in the results of our work.
The best of our SEO case studies are usually a result of long-term collaborations and partnerships, lasting from 6 months to a year, and longer.

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