WooCommerce SEO Experts With 10+ Years of Experience

  1. WooCommerce SEO Experts Turning Potential Into Profits
  2. Accelerate Revenue and ROI With Our WooCommerce SEO Experts

You have exceptional products and prices, but you’re not making sales. An estimated 90% of stores will fail. Why? They didn’t work with the WooCommerce SEO experts at Netrocket.

For over a decade, our team has been helping clients achieve their goals. We'll help you attract potential customers to your website and increase revenue. Click the button below to get started.

Our WooCommerce SEO Expertise Spreads Across Industries and Niches

Your e-commerce site requires a specialist who understands the nuances of the industry and how to best navigate them. Our vast experience positions us to optimize your store to become a lead- and traffic-generating asset.

You'll work with a WooCommerce SEO consultant who has experience in the following industries:

Netrocket’s SEO Services Optimize Your Website’s Visibility

If your products don’t rank at the top of the search results, you’ll lose sales. One in three people makes purchases online. We help you get seen by increasing the metrics that matter most:












Agency Focus
Company Focus

WooCommerce SEO Experts That Focus on Sales – NOT Just Traffic

Your store’s potential isn’t discovered until you begin ranking at the top of the search results. We take a strategic approach to your site’s optimization and work to increase visibility, trust and rankings.

Through our SEO promotion, high-converting leads are sent to your landing pages. resulting in higher conversions and revenue.

How? We work on:

Increasing Your Store’s Online Visibility
Online Visibility
Did you know that 68% of online experiences begin with a search? If you’re nowhere to be found, you can’t make the touchpoints that increase consumer trust and sales.
Generating More Organic Traffic
Organic Inbound Traffic
We’ll optimize your pages and products to increase CTR and site traffic.
Page 1 Rankings in the Search Results
Climbing Search Rankings
A WooCommerce SEO consultant will focus on ranking your website’s products on the first page of the results, where 94% of searchers end their search.
Inbound Leads = More Sales and Revenue
Inbound Leads, Sales and Revenue
Your site’s potential is moments away from being reached.
Our experts have a track record of increasing sales for WooCommerce websites.

Here’s What to Expect When Working with a WooCommerce SEO Consultant from Netrocket

Your business goals are our top priority. We'll begin with an initial checkup of your website, and based on this, we’ll continue to discuss your plans with the business’s key stakeholders. A manager will work with you throughout the process to keep you updated on the progress.

Netrocket’s WooCommerce SEO consulting incorporates all aspects into one efficient service that includes:

Technical SEO Audits and Optimization

Your site’s technical parameters are almost as important as its on-page and off-page optimization. We'll make a full audit of your store to find issues that impact both visitors and search crawlers, such as:

  • 404 errors
  • Redirect chains and loops
  • Slow speeds or server timeouts

Technical SEO keeps your website running well, but it also improves the user experience and crawl rate.

SEO Audit

SEO Audit

Competitor Analysis

One of the first steps your WooCommerce SEO consultant will take is to analyze your niche and competitors. We aim to identify weaknesses that can be used to our advantage when ranking your store’s key product pages.

The goal is to generate more sales faster.

Our competitor and niche analysis allows us to tailor your site’s optimization to meet the needs of consumers while pushing more of your store’s target keywords to the top of the search results.

Competition Analysis

Competition Analysis

From 3 to 12 Months to Success

Our SEO roadmap for the first year is exciting and helps you visualize the results your store may see in the near future. Month after month, your store’s organic traffic will begin to improve, but reaching its full potential will take time.

Established websites may begin seeing results in the first three months or less.

Within months of launching our SEO strategy, your store may begin ranking for several keywords and phrases on the first page. Traffic and sales will begin increasing. Over the remainder of the year, your store will begin receiving more targeted visitors who are ready to buy.

SEO Roadmap

SEO Roadmap

SEO Keyword Research

If you’re not ranking for the right queries, you may be receiving low-value traffic to your site. We are masters of identifying high-value keywords that have the best chances of converting.
Netrocket’s WooCommerce SEO experts will:

  • Conduct comprehensive key research
  • Research your products and services
  • Identify pages on your site to optimize

Your ideal buyers may be in multiple stages of the buyer’s journey, and we’ll optimize for each of them.

Ahrefs Keyword Explorer

Ahrefs Keyword Explorer

Time-tested SEO Content Strategy

We’ve been optimizing sites for 10+ years. Our team will leverage the extensive knowledge that we have to:

  • Update existing pages, posts and products
  • Create new content assets
  • Perform on-page and off-page optimization

Every search result has an intent. We'll optimize based on these factors.

Semrush Content Marketing Assistant

Semrush Content Marketing Assistant

Link Building for WooCommerce Sites

Strategic link building will help your site send the right signals to Google. Natural and relevant links will improve your website's authority.

Ahrefs Site Explorer

Ahrefs Site Explorer

Local WooCommerce Store SEO

Do you have a physical store and an online shop? Our local SEO services will help you rank higher for location-based keywords, so customers can find your location.

We’ll also optimize your Google My Business listing to help your company get found by customers.

‘Google My Business’ Optimization Service

‘Google My Business’ Optimization Service

SEO Reports and Analytics

At Netrocket, we know the importance of tracking your results and the return on your investment. Our team of WooCommerce SEO experts will deliver reports and analytics regularly, so you can see your progress as it happens.

Monthly SEO Monitoring Report

Monthly SEO Monitoring Report

When Will You See Results from Our WooCommerce SEO Services?

At Netrocket, we know that you’re excited to start getting more targeted traffic and sales, but like a fine wine - SEO is a process that takes time and requires a certain finesse to see results. The end result – sustainable, lasting growth – is well worth the wait.

Here’s what you can expect from our services.

After just a few months of active SEO improvements, your site should start ranking in the top 100 for some of its targeted keywords.
3 Monate
At this stage, you should even bigger traffic increase and higher rankings for your keywords.
6 Monate
You should see significant improvements across the board and improved visibility in the search results.
12 Monate
The results of your SEO campaign will only continue to improve from here on out.
24 Monate

Check Out Our Pricing

Ready to start ranking higher in Google Search? Our WooCommerce SEO experts will create a customized strategy that will help you get the results you want.

Click the button below to request a proposal and get started with our services.

Why Choose Netrocket’s WooCommerce SEO Experts?

Daniel Dramshev

We've been in the digital marketing game for more than a decade. We know what it takes to rank e-commerce sites like yours – no matter what industry you’re in. Our extensive knowledge of WooCommerce allows us to create tailored strategies that lay the foundation for sustainable online growth.

Daniel Dramshev
CEO & Founder

Netrocket is a Leading WooCommerce SEO Agency


Meet Our Team of WooCommerce SEO Experts

At Netrocket, online marketing is our passion. Our team of experts has years of experience with WooCommerce and uses the best practices to improve rankings, increase site traffic and enhance the user experience.

Learn more about our SEO experts below.

SEO Technical Lead
90+ complete project
Top Rated
WooCommerce SEO expert
75+ complete project
Top Rated
WooCommerce SEO consultant
60+ complete project
Top Rated
WooCommerce SEO expert
30+ complete project
Top Rated
WooCommerce SEO consultant
60+ complete project
Top Rated
30+ complete project
Top Rated
60+ complete project
Top Rated
Content Manager
60+ complete project
Top Rated
Team Lead
Project Manager
8 years of experience
Project Manager
3 years of experience
Project Manager
4 years of experience

Here’s What Clients Say About Our WooCommerce SEO Consulting

We help clients rank higher in the search results and get more targeted traffic. The result? More sales and revenue. View the client testimonials below to learn more about our services and what it’s like to work with our WooCommerce SEO experts.


How Do I Choose a WooCommerce SEO Expert?

Finding the right organic SEO services company is crucial, but how do you know if a provider is a good fit?

There are several things to consider. Experience and expertise are two of the biggest considerations. How long has the company been in business? Have they worked on other WooCommerce sites?

An SEO company may have many years of experience, but if they’ve never worked with a site that uses an e-commerce platform, they may not achieve the results you want. WooCommerce and other similar services have limitations and challenges that require specialized knowledge to overcome.

Is WooCommerce More SEO Friendly Than Shopify?

When choosing an e-commerce platform, one important thing to consider is whether or not it’s search engine-friendly.

WooCommerce and Shopify are two of the top solutions for online stores, and both are SEO-friendly.

Ultimately, your decision will come down to how much control you want. WooCommerce requires a little more technical knowledge, but you have more freedom in terms of hosting, page structure,and other details. Shopify is more hands-off and convenient.

If you’re working with a team of SEO experts, you may find that you prefer WooCommerce because of its flexibility.

How Often Should I Consult WooCommerce SEO Experts?

Search engine optimization is an ongoing process, and best practices are constantly changing.

If your goal is to improve your visibility online, then you should invest in WooCommerce SEO consulting regularly. It’s especially important to schedule a consultation if you’re migrating your site, adding new pages, or wanting to redesign your site.

How Does a WooCommerce SEO Consultant Optimize Product Pages?

One major benefit of using e-commerce platforms is that they make it easy to add products to your store. When you have dozens or hundreds of items that you want to sell, the ability to create pages automatically saves time.

But optimizing each page can be a daunting task. An SEO service for Shopify stores and WooCommerce sites will take care of this tedious process for you.

These experts will optimize your site by adding keyword-rich metadata and content, ensuring that your pages load quickly, addressing issues with duplicate content, making your product navigation user-friendly, and performing other tasks.

What SEO Issues Can WooCommerce Experts Solve?

E-commerce platforms have many advantages, but they also have limitations that can impact your visibility in the search results. Fortunately, with the right expertise and tools, you can overcome these issues.

Reputable WooCommerce SEO services will have teams of experts who can solve problems like duplicate content on product pages, non-friendly URLs, metadata optimization, robotx.txt editability, and more.

Get More Traffic and Sales with Expert WooCommerce SEO Services

Ready to get more traffic and rank at the top of Google Search results?

Fill out our form to get started from the initial checkup of your website.

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